
Summer job in a restaurant on the position of prep cook in Kennebunk, ME. Salary is $8.50/hour. Housing is $75/week. Need to be physically strong and have good English. No experience required! Apply on Job Id 2350.
Summer job in cafe and bar on the position of Kitchen help/dishwasher/waiter/hoststaff in Friday Harbor, WA. Salary is $10/hour. High English proficiency is required! No experience needed! Apply on Job Id 2256.
We urgently need one girl with great English, housekeeping experience and video. The employer from Southport, Maine is already confirmed by most of the sponsors this year. JOB ID - 49.
A resort in Wisconsin is looking for J-1 students to work at front desk, housekeeping and waitstaff positions. Housing is not provided, but is easy to find. Flexible dates, hours and salary are vary depending on the position. Job id 1239
2 girls needed to work as a waitress/hostess in Las Vegas. A lot of hours plus overtime. Housing is not provided. Please make sure your sponsor approves jobs in a big city.Job id 2339
5 girls needed to work in Brooklyn, New York. Dates are flexible. Housing is not provided, but easy to find. Make sure your sponsor approves the big city. Job id 2335
Летняя работа в городе Хьюстон, штат Техас. Требуются персонал в хороший ресторан. Зарплата 8$ в час, есть овертайм. Жилье предлагается. ID 2234.
3 students are wanted in the restaurant, Houston, Texas (TX). Overtime's possible, housing provided. ID 2234.
We are looking for 5-8 Students in middle of May, (a bit flexible dates) to work in the restaurant, Cicero, NY. Housing provided, overtime included ID 2330.
Summer job in a hotel in Santa Rosa, California. Students are required on the positions of kitchen help, dishwasher, waiter, host staff, bus person. Salary is $9/hour, overtime is $13.50/hour. Apply on Job 2326.

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