
Summer job in a restaurant located in Burnsville, North Carolina. Two male students are needed on the positions kitchen help/dishwasher. Salary is $9/hour, housing is $300/month. Apply on job id 2396.
Летняя работа на ранчо в городе Scenic, Южная Дакота. Требуется студентка на позицию хаускипер за $9/час. Жилье бесплатное! Подаем заявки на вакансию 1739.
Summer job on a ranch located in Scenic, SD. A female student needed on the housekeeping position for $9/hour. Housing is free! Apply on job id 1739.
Summer job in a restaurant located in Scarborough, ME. Students are needed for kitchen help and dishwasher positions. Salary is $14/hour, no housing. Apply on job id 4821.
Resort located in Sierra City, California is looking for 2 male students to work as wait staff, kitchen help, dock maintenance, desk reception. English proficiency required. Salary: $15-$17/hour plus tips and housing is provided for free. Apply for Job id 5018
Deli-restaurant located in in Topsail Beach, NC is looking for 2 female students to fill positions of kitchen/waitstaff and help on the cash register. Salary: $10-12/hour. Housing is provided by the employer. Apply for Job id 4742
Summer job on the positions of kitchen/dish, maintenance, housekeeping, sales help in a resort located in South Fork, Colorado. Salary is $12/hour, housing is $130/week. Fluent English is a must! Apply on job id 5021.
Lodge in California mountains is looking for J-1 students to serve as housekeeping/waitstaff and kitchen/lodge maintenance. Housing and meals will be provided by the employer. Conversational English is required for the housekeeping/waitstaff position. Salary $10/hour. Apply for Job id 4735
Summer job in a motel located in Farmington, Сolorado. Students are needed on the position of a housekeeper. Salary is $9.25/hour, housing is $300/month. Apply on job id 4725.
Summer job in a motel located in Buffalo, Wyoming. Students are needed on the position of a housekeeper. Salary is $9.25/hour, housing is $300/month. Apply on job id 4724.

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