
Waiters and hostess are needed in BBQ restaurant in Brooklyn, NY. Job id 877.
Requires 3 housekeepers in Recreation Army Center. You will work close to Ocean, in hot state Florida. Students must have fluent conversational English. And work experience is necessary - №836.
Work for females for construction company in North Dakota. We are looking for females who will be able to assist with light construction work, to clean new homes, to wash trucks and autos etc. JOB ID: 874.
In Washington D.C. requires students as kitchen staff, busboys and busgirls from May to September, work experience is necessary. Your English must be very easily conversational - №879.
Need one female to work as a sandwich maker in Lincoln, NE! Experience is a must, find all the details under ID 844!
In the Restaurant in Massachusetts waitresses (females) are needed. Experience and good English skills. ID 851.
Work in a mobile fast food for the two girls. During the summer and fall you will visit such states as Maine, Massachusetts, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, North Carolina, working at carnivals and fairs. The employer provides free housing. Job id 692.
Housekeepers (only experience ones) needed at a resort of Santa Barbara, California! take your chance at Id 330! Second job permitted, lots of fun guaranteed!
Great job opening in Golden, CO! Wait/host staff needed in a restaurant, get all the details under Id 866.
In California requires one student (female) for position: Secretary. Work experience is necessary and English level must be fluent. Also student has to have computer skills - №864.

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