
Summer job for lifeguards in a pool in Virginia, Maryland. Salary is $9.00 - $12.00/hour. Housing is $110/week. Apply on job id 2399.
New vacancy ! Position in a deli (shop)in East Hampton, NY. We are looking for 4 people working in our company for period of May, 15th till Sept, 7th.High salary, housing provided for free ID 4637
Summer job on the positions of housekeeper/general worker in a resort located in Eagle River, WI. Salary is $8/hour+tips, housing is $65/week. No experience needed. Apply on job id 4635.
Summer job on the positions of bartender, watress in a tavern located in Big Bay, Michigan. Salary is $5 + tips, Free housing, experience is not required. Apply on job id 4634.
Summer job on the positions of waitress, hostess, housekeeping in an Inn/restaurant located in Lubec, Maine. Salary depends on position $5 - $9/hour, housing is FREE, experience is not required. English proficiency is required. Apply on job id 4631.
Cottages in Santa Claus,IN is looking for 3 housekeepers, females, starting from May/June. Salary $8.00/hour. Housing is provided. Apply for Job id 4629
Summer job on the position of maintenance in Denmark, ME. Company is dealing with tennis courts and equipment for them. Salary is $10/hour + free housing. Apply on job id 3164.
Summer job in a restaurant located in Rosedale, MD. Students are needed for the position of a busser. Salary is $9.75/hour, housing is $100/week. Apply on job id 1808.
Restaurant in Wisconsin Dells, WI is looking for Server for summer 2018, preferably female. Conversational English required. Salary $8.50/hour. Housing is provided. Apply for Job id 2718
Summer job on the positions of wait/hoststaff, cook, busser in a restaurant located in Austin, Texas. Salary depends on position $2.13 + tips - $9/hour or higher, experience is preferred, English proficiency is required. Apply on job id 4627.

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