
Summer job in a hotel located in Hampton Beach, NH. Student are needed on the positions of housekeeper and salesperson. Salary is $8/hour. Must have good English. Apply on Job id 156.
Summer Job on the position of ice cream driver in Raleigh, NC. Salary is $8-14/hour, posibility to work up to 70 hours a week! Must have a valid driver license and driving experience of at least 2 years. Apply on Job Id 407.
Summer job at a hotel in Pinedale, WY on the positions of housekeeper. Salary is $10.00/hour, FREE housing, experience is not required. Must have excellent English speaking skills. Apply on Job id 2388.
Работа в живописном городе Шелбивилль, штат Мичиган неподалеку от озера Ган в высококлассном отеле и ресторане. Требуются повара и сервировщики для банкетов, достойная оплата - №2726
Job in a picturesque city Shelbyville state Michigan not far from Gun Lake in a top class hotel and restaurant. Cooks and banket servers are needed, decent salary - №2726
Job for girls as houskeapers in the wellknown city on the coast of the Pacific ocean Anchoridge, state Alaska, $9.75/hour with housing (private room) and transportation upon arrival to the Social security office - №1968
In Marblemount, WA wanted waitress, hoststaff, housekeepers, $9,35/hour + good tips/. Good looking girls with fluent English - Job id 2193
Summer job on the positions of hostess, waitress in a restaurant located in Mountain View, CA. Salary is $11/hour. Prefer students from Russia or Ukraine. Apply on job id 1915.
Great opportunity for students to live in mountains and work in Amazing Mountain Resort of the United States located in Colorado state - Crested Butte. Restaurant in Crested Butte is currently looking for summer staff: cooks, bussers, food runners, dishwashers. Salary: $12-20/hour for cooks, $8-12 plus tips for other postions. Housing is not provided, but easy to find in tourist place. Apply for Job id: 2206
Summer job on the positions of front desk/housekeeper in a motel located in Millinocket, ME. Salary is $8.00/hour, housing is $200/month. Apply on Job id 2644.

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