
Help wanted in a Mobile Food-service. Two male and two female students for server, cook and set up-down positions. NY, NC. Free housing - №362.
Spring time work for male students in Catering Company, Clifton NJ on positions of kitchen staff, wait staff, maintenance, sales person - №368.
Work for male students in Clifton, NJ in Catering Company on positions of kitchen staff, wait staff, maintenance, sales person - №368.
Mobile fast food in Ohio looks for staff, $300-400/month, housing $25/week - №175. This work is for the light of feet participants of Work and Travel USA program.
Two female students are wanted for housekeeping positions in a hotel, $7.00/hour, Branson, Missouri - №367. To see a full list of job offers click here.
Summer work for female students in Washington DC as wait/host staff, hostess in Italian restaurant - №364.
Help wanted in South Carolina. Three sales positions for girls in Gift shop, work from March thru June - №304.
Help wanted (1 male student) in New York City, Long Island, swimming pools cleaning - №361.
Seasonal help wanted in Winter Haven, Florida. International students are welcome. Positions to be filled: food concession server / cook / set up-down. Free housing provided - №362.
Work for students in water park of Roselle, IL on positions of lifeguards. Students are to have Lifeguard certificate - №358.

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