
Summer job for 6 female students on the position of housekeeper, food & beverage in a lodge in Osage Beach, Missouri. Salary is $7.35/hour. Housing and food are FREE! Apply on Job Id 2039.
Summer job in fast food restaurant on the positions of sandwich makers, pizza makers, cashiers, cleaners, helpers in Pennsylvania or West Virginia. Salary is $8.00/hour, housing is $300/month. Apply on Job id 458.
Summer job in a hotel on the positions of housekeeper, front desk in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Salary is $7.25 - $7.50/hour. Experience is not required! Apply on Job id 830.
Summer job at public golf course in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on the positions of kitchen staff, waiters, maintenance, housekeeping, landscape labours. Salary is $9/hour. Apply on Job Id 1954.
Требуются 2 студента в ресторан красивого города Хьюстон, Техас, высокая зарплата, есть овертаймID 2223. Проверенный работодатель. Подаем заявки!
Summer job in a restaurant on the position of waitress, hoststaff in Surf City, North Carolina. Salary is $7.25/hour+tips. Housing is FREE. Must have excellent English! Apply on Job id 2372.
Открыта новая вакансия на позиции хаускиперов в городах штата Айова - Оак Крик и Кеноша. Бесплатное жилье включено. №2296
New vacancy for the housekeeping positions opened in two cities Oak Creek and Kenosha, state Wisconsin. Free housing provided. №2296
New vacancy opened for the positions of kitchen, dish, wait, host staff in a fast-food restaurant in Okoboji city, state Iowa. $9.25/hour № 2246.
Summer job in a hotel/convenience store on the positions of housekeeper, store clerk/front desk clerk. Salary is $8.25/hour. English proficiency is required. Apply on job id 2384.

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