
Two jobs in an amusement park, Wisconsin, $250 per week, housing - №68. Girls only. There're also some jobs at Alaska's fish factories both boys and girls are welcome - №76 and №77. Hurry up!
Dear students - Work and Travel USA participants, don't forget to keep in touch with your employers. We're waiting for the details of your flight. Stay in contact with us. Have a great fun in the USA!
Hiring for job №78 is over. Look here for the jobs left. You can also use the service of vacancy search especially for yourself, provided that the list of your requirements is minimum.
Vacancies 56, 39, 17 are filled. Look here for the jobs left.
Hiring for jobs 81, 19, 80, 40 is over. Here's a full list of the jobs available.
One more vacancy of a waitress to be filled, employer №81, Bridgeport, California, $7.50/hour, 48 hours per week, overtime, tips - $100-300 per week. Go here to see the whole list of jobs.
Hiring for jobs №2, 45, 67, 83 is over. Look here for the whole list of jobs available.
A new amusement park in Ohio, job №85, $275-300 per week. Look here for the whole list of jobs available
Two openings in Maine. Food delivery, 8$ per hour, job №83. Guest ranch in Colorado, job №84. Vacancies №1, 48, 81 have been filled. Go here for the jobs left.
New positions opened in Myrtle Beach hotels, SC, 7$ per hour - №39. A new amusement park in Ohio - №82. There are more jobs at the amusement parks of such states as MN, OH, IN, WV, IL - choose whatever you like! Hiring for №71 is over. Go here for the jobs left.

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