
Physical work for exchange students as movers and helpers in Boston area, Massachusetts. Good pay, need to be a team player, strong and physically fit - №357.
Female students are wanted for a fish processing position, employer pay for transfer from Seattle to Alaska - №77, №76.
Job in Florida for two females in Law Office. Flexible schedule. All additional on №356.
International students are welcome to work as lifeguards in Georgetown, Texas. Work experience is a plus but not requirement. Must be able to communicate in English. Work for both males and females. Housing provided - №355.
Summer work for female students in resort of Kennebunkport, ME on positions of kitchen / dish, housekeepers - №120.
Summer work for female students in the guest ranch of Republic, WY on positions of kitchen / dish, wait / host staff, housekeeping, ride operator, as needed - №97.
Work in Cody, Wyoming for J-1 students. Hotel in a resort area hiring students for housekeeping positions. Only two girls needed. Must be able to start work on the first week of May. Housing provided onsite or nearby within walking distance - №352.
A traveling amusement park: state - Ohio, city - Winterswille, job title - kitchen staff / ride operator, salary - $350/week, housing - free, details №40.
Jobs in an outdoor amusement park, Wisconsin, two females and one male are needed for game concession operator, amusement ride operator positions. Salary: $250.00/week + ending bonus $25-$50 per week - №68.
Nice job in nice place in North Carolina. Ice cream services and outdoor gardening and maintenancers are required. Wage $7.50. Vacancy №350.

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