
Staff for housekeeping positions are wanted for the Motel in Wells, Maine, $9 per hour + tips - №270. Food concessionaires are needed in a mobile fast food enterprise. Traveling around Ohio each week - №269.
Summer job in the US, cosmetics sales staff wanted in Valencia, California - №268.
Jobs in students' favourite state of New Jersey, Sea Isle City, sellers and kitchen staff are wanted - №267. Kitchen staff wanted in a pizzeria in Avalon, NJ - №266. Complete list of available job offers see here.
We've got 6 new job openings. Work in Fun Center in Omaha, in the state of Nebraska - №264. Jobs in fast-food restaurant (female students only) in Fairview Heights, Illinios - №263. Help wanted in hotel-restaurant in Cuchara, Colorado - №262. Three Cosmetics Sales positions for quick and smart students with excellent English. Work in big supermarkets, in Portland, Oregon - №259; El Paso, Texas - №260; Cleveland, Ohio - №261.
Work in Brooklyn in most densely populated district of New York. Help wanted in a guest house - female students for housekeeping and waitress positions, $12 per hour, free housing - №258. Job vacancies for male students in Rainbow Lake, NY- landscaping - №172. No more applications accepted for job id №56. Click on here for more job listings.
Jobs in Williamsburg, VA. Female and male students are wanted to work as fast food crew persons - №257. Complete list of available job offers see here.
New jobs in pizzeria, in Caster, South Dakota. The employer provides housing - №256. Help wanted in a fast food restaurant (sales) in Waitsfield, Vermont - $10 per hour - №181. No more open positions for job id №247, 249 and 253. For the entire list of job vacancies click on job offers.
Work in Alaska, in Seward. One position only as housekeeper. Housing provided by employer. Salary $9.50 per hour - №254. For the entire list of open positions click on job offers.
Jobs in New Jersey. Help wanted in hotels, housekeepers and front desk clerks in Wildwood - №249 and in Ventnor - №253. In South Carolina, in Surf City, girls needed to be hired as housekeepers - №250. Work in northwest USA in Oregon, Lincoln City, at a hotel-restaurant - №251.
New! Job vacancies in town-resort Nuntacket, Massachusetts. The town is located on an island in the Atlantic ocean, by the southern point of Cape Cod. Housekeepers are wanted at a guest house - №248. Jobs in the well-known resort Ocean city, Maryland - housekeepers and front desk clerks wanted- №247. Help wanted in fast food restaurants to serve american carnivals, sandwich makers, kitchen staff and sales assistants - two US employers - №90 и №175. No more applications accepted on job vacancy №103.

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