
Kitchen staff and sales are wanted in Kewadin, MI during summer vacations - №329.
New jobs in Eagle River, WI - employees in housekeeping and maintenance wanted - №328.
Yellowstone Park in Montana offers jobs of housekeeping, kitchen staff and front desk clerk with very good English - №141.
A mountain resort in Creede, Colorado is hiring now! Four students would get a job as housekeepers and kitchen staff. Male/female employees. Housing provided by employer for free. The city is situated on the border of the Rio Grande River and surrounded by beautiful mountains - №327. One job opening in the state of Maine. Female or male student required for a waiter/waitress position. Work in a bar. City - Jackman, state - Maine. Housing provided by employer for free - №325.
Jobs in one of the Idaho resorts - wait staff, bartenders and kitchen staff are wanted - №326.
The list of available vacancies for the participants of Summer Work & Travel 2010 can be found in the section Job Offers.
Winter Jobs: Sellers are needed from November 1st in IL, Bloomington City - №301. Two housekeepers are wanted in adorable place in the state of South Dakota, Spearfish city - №121. Great winter jobs - positions of wait staff and kitchen staff available in IA, Ames City, only 2 students wanted - №309.
New Winter Jobs in North Dakota – close to Yellowstone National Park! Hotel-restaurant in Riverdale, ND needs waiters, kitchen staff and housekeepers. Housing is provided by the employer. Part of students will live in the lodge, the rest in houses right across street - №278.
From 7 to 25 August team will be on vacation.
Winter Jobs: Work for students in New Orleans, Louisiana. Unarmed/Armed Security (Private Patrol). Good remuneration. Must speak good English and be in good health. Male students only. Company provides housing - №116.

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