
Cycles shop offers positions for sales managers, handy men, Chesapeake, Virginia - №176.
New job offers in Dallas, Texas. A restaurant offers the position of wait and kitchen staff. - №174. Work in a mobile food service, OH - №175. Job offers №85, 170, 171 are no longer available.
Two job offers are available in Hotel Bed and Breakfast, Saratoga Springs, New York - №173. To see all offers click here.
Landscaping work for male students, $8.50/hour, housing provided, New York - №172. Positions in a restaurant, salary 9$/hour, free housing provided, Skagway, Alaska - №171. Job offers №167, 169 are no longer available.
Restaurant offers positions for wait and kitchen staff, housing 50$/week, non-smokers only, Solon Springs, Wisconsin - №168. New positions for housekeeping staff are available in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware - №169. Staff for front desk positions are wanted for the Motel in Atlantic City, New Jersey - №170. Positions for offers №40, 98, 153, 158, 161 have been filled.
New job offer list includes the following positions: housekeeping, Mackinaw City, Michigan - №164; salesmen in a Toy shop, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - №166; waiters for a restaurant, Cape Charles, Virginia - №167. Complete list of available job offers see here.
Camping ground offers outdoor work, 8$/hour, Salisbury, Vermont - №163.
Staff for an Italian Restaurant is wanted, San Antonio, Texas - №162. Two housekeeping positions are available in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, $10-11/hour - №161. Job offers №115, 148 are no longer available. To see the whole list of job offers click here.
Lifeguard position in Metropolitan, DC Area, $8.50/hour, free training course after arrival, housing provided - №159. Job offers № 76, 77, 149, 160 are no longer available.
We have added two new job positions: housekeeping in a hotel, $8/hour, Ogunquit, Maine - №157; housekeeping in a hotel for a summer time, $7/hour, Waitsfield, Vermont. To see a full list of job offers click here.

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