
Summer job in a motel located in Minot, North Dakota. Students are needed on the position of a housekeeper. Salary is $9.50/hour, housing is $300/month. Apply on job id 4990.
Летняя вакансия в мотеле в городе Джиллетт, Вайоминг. Требуются студенты на позицию housekeeper . Зарплата $9.25/час, жилье $300/месяц. Подаем заявки на позицию 4723.
Работа для в фото компании в городе Миртл Бич, штат Южная Каролина на позиции фотограф сувениров и продавец. Зарплата $8/час + чаевые и бонусы. Опыт не требуется. Подаем заявки на вакансию 4977.
Summer job on the positions of souvenir photographer and sales person in a photography company located in Myrtle Beach, SC. Salary is $8/hour+ tips and bonuses, no experience needed. Housing is $100/week. Apply on job id 4977.
Summer job on the position of housekeeper in a hotel located in Calumet, Michigan. Salary is $9.50/hour, housing is $75/week. No experience needed. Appy on job Id 4958.
Summer job on the positions of housekeeper, waiter, cook in a hotel located in Silver City, Michigan. Salary is $4.50-$11/hour (depends on position), housing is $75/week. No experience needed. Apply on job id 4957.
Summer job for a girl on the position of sales help in a franchised store that specializes in gourmet cookies. The job is located in a Mall in Yorktown Heights, NY. Salary is $11.50/hour. Housing is $500/month. Must have good English! No IEX sponsor! Apply on Job 2113.
Summer job on the positions of bartender, waitress, cook in a tavern located in Big Bay, Michigan. Salary is $5 + tips, Free housing, experience is not required. Apply on job id 4634.
Lodging company in Sunderland, VT is looking for female housekeeper and administrator. Employer provides private room at no charge, food is free and transport assistance whenever possible. Salary $9.50/hour. Apply for Job id 4566
Summer job on the positions of housekeeper, front desk in a hotel located in Yorktown, Virginia. Salary is $7.25/hour, housing is $100/week. No experience needed. Apply on job id 4811.

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