
The restaurant in Interior, SD is willing to hire 1 female for WINTER Work and Travel program. The position of bartender and server. Job 1385.
Winter positions: 3 females are required to work as bartenders/waitresses in the restaurant in Florence, AZ. Housing is provided. Vacancy 1444.
Spring job 2013. Restaurant hiring now 3 females for kitchen help position in Gardiner, ME. Save money on accomodation, employer provide FREE housing. Job ID 1268.
Winter job Hotel in Arizona, Chandler hiring now. Winter staff positions open: maintenance, housekeeping. Don't lose your chance. Apply now ID 1572.
Spend unforgettable winter holidays working in Jackman, ME as the wait staff, employer provide FREE housing, skype interview, full length photo required. Hiring now job id 325.
Are you 21 years old? With fluent English, apply for wait staff position in Jackman, ME pass skype interview with employer and enjoy you Spring Work and Travel program in USA 2013. Open your America with job ID 325.
Winter season 2012-2013, if you have good knowledge of English and would like to work in restaurant in state GA, you are welcome to apply for position of ID 135.
New vacancy in Washington DC is opened! Nice restaurant will hire 2 females in winter and 2 females in spring. Positions of wait/hoststaff. Apply for ID 997.
Hiring for winter program in San Antonio, TX has started! 3 females are needed to work as receptionists in Salon, SPA. Job ID 1333.
Spring job for two girls at a printing company in Connecticut. The girls should have a good attitude towards their job and be very polite and smiley. The employer has good experience in hiring students for seasonal jobs. Check out job id 1181.

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