Summer J1 Jobs in the USA

Below we offer you the list of available positions. Jobs in the field staff are set to a nonzero value, available for order. For convenience, you can change the list view, to do this, use a set of filters, keyword search and sorting. To return to the original list, click Reset filters. The more detailed description of every position you can see on the link in the column Company. By default, the list of vacancies is put in order by the states, beginning from Alaska and ending by Wyoming.

Selected records: 3
ID Company / Job title (Staff) State, City Start / End date Salary / Hours Housing
1866 Restaurant & Ice Cream Shop
Kitchen help (2 / female)
Colorado, CO,
Estes Park
Start: May 10-20th
End: Sep 15-30th
Salary: $15/hour
Hours: 32-35/week
53473 Hotel
Housekeeping, guest services (2 / male)
New Jersey, NJ,
Start: June 1st
End: Oct 15th
Salary: $14.53/hour
Hours: 40/week
2568 Hotel
Housekeeper/ Laundry helper (6 / female)
Colorado, CO,
Manitou Springs
Start: June 15th
End: Oct 15th
Salary: $15.50-16/hour
Hours: 32/week
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