Vacancy details


Job Id:



Indiana, IN

Job title:
winery tasting bar, general winery operations, festivals




Start date:

End date:


Staff needed:
0 / (Vacancy is closed)

Housing description:
We have an extra bedroom at our home and can accommodate a student. You will have full kitchen privileges and share extra full bath with relative. Bedroom is private, has wireless, cable with new flatscreen TV, and a computer, desk and small refrigerator. Summer access to the pool and yard available. You are responsible for your own food, but you may join us on the weekends for meals we will prepare. The winery is approximately 6-7 miles from home. The student can bicycle to work as well as sometimes riding to the winery with us and we will drive you to stores, movies, etc. I do not have an extra car available. Having an international Driver’s license translated into English is a plus to you. You must be ok with cats, we have two.

Additional info:
This position requires the student to obtain an Indiana Bartender Servers permit to work behind the bar and on Festivals. The Student must be 21 or over. The student must have no criminal record. In order to get the permit, the student is required to obtain an Indiana Driver’s License. This will require the student to have with them, an I-94#, a valid work visa, a valid passport good for 3 months longer than their stay, and a valid International or country of origin driver’s license translated into English and certified. I will help the student obtain the driver’s license and the server’s permit as long as they have the proper documents with them. You must be in good physical health and be able to lift 50lbs. English intermediate is preferred but not mandatory. Working hard, playing hard, having fun and meeting new people are mandatory. This is a fun job, please bring your smile. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and there is always help.

Dress code:
Good personal hygiene is a must. Casual dress is acceptable. Shorts and polo shirts ok for summer. Winery Logo Tee-shirts supplied. Non-smoker preferred. No sloppy dress, must look neat as you will be in front of customers. Please bring shorts and shirt that can get wet during wine production work. No open-toed shoes permitted in the winery when working

Registered with us:
30.04.2015 (>9 years)




Cell phone:

US phone:

Statistics Current Hired
Number 0 0
% female/male 0/0 0/0