Vacancy details
Job Id:
Days Inn & Suites Hotel
Ohio, OH
Job title:
35 to 55/week
Start date:
End date:
Staff needed:
0 / female (Vacancy is closed)
Housing description:
Days Inn & Suites hotel has swimming pool, fitness center, couryard and is located right next to many restaurant and shoppoing mall. Two guest rooms in hotel are each converted into personal bedroom-living room space. Each room is 8.5meter long X 3.66 meter wide and includes personal bathroom and personal fridge/ microwave. There is ONE full size kitchen seperate from both bedrooms. (Same size as bedrooms). Kithcen has full size fridge, garborater, stove, cabinets, pantry storage etc. Since this living accomodation is on same place as where work is, there will NOT be any need for traveling time or travelling expenses. If two students (must be of same GENDER) decide to share bedroom it will be $90/week.
Additional info:
We have worked with J1 students workers for many years. We have good experiece with them. We understand their need. we make sure to allow them to immerse in English and US culture. We help them open their bank account. We take them every week to do their groceries (or more often if needed). We make sure to take them to fun travelling palces once a month (Cleveland downtown, columbus/ chicago etc.). This is an economy hotel but is one of the largest in county. It also has restaurant-bar and banquet halls on-site. This allows us to provide studnets with as many horus of work as they choose to do. We have had students who only worked 32-36 hours/ week and we have had students who worked upto 55-60 hours/ week. We also have one on-site manager living on-site all the time along with another couple who is housekeeping manager and maintenance manager. So there is at least 3 supervisors/ maanger living on-site in their own bedroom-kitchen area so students will never be really alone.
Dress code:
Company will provide uniform and name tags.
Registered with us:
31.01.2019 (>6 years)
Cell phone:
Statistics | Current | Hired |
Number | 0 | 0 |
% female/male | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Countries | ||
Sponsors |