Vacancy details
2 Housekeepers
The current listed hourly rate for housekeepers is $9.50 per hour. We're able to work with people who may be interested in working 7 day weeks for the season on a structured schedule to allow for overtime at that rate.
2 students for kayak guide
Looking for two applicants for working as a kayak guide given they have existing watersports experience, are athletic/outgoing, and speak 10/10 English. Kayak guides make trip pay (they get paid per excursion they guide) and while we provide training.
2 front desk employees
The front desk employees we don't need to work overtime, but their rate of pay is $10-11 per hour, depending on experience and training. It's also possible to train in these people as part time kayaking guides if they're interested in doing both.Students MUST be able to arrive late May (no exceptions) and stay at least until early September (no exceptions). We will not consider anyone later because of group training and we are seasonal.
If you do not speak or write at the highest level then we are not interested in hiring you. We prefer students who have worked in America before if possible.
Statistics | Current | Hired | 2015 | 2013 |
Number | 0 | 6 | 2 | 4 |
% female/male | 0/0 | 17/83 | 50/50 | 0/100 |
Countries | Kyrgyzstan Russia | Russia | Kyrgyzstan | |
Sponsors | DS-7007 Intrax | Intrax | DS-7007 |