Our clients testimonials

Hello Mr. Ruslan I'm happy to inform that i've got 2 job offers from you. Thank you and your team!
Hey, I'm doing ok! Just start work! Thank you!
Hello! Our (Kaisha and Yerlan) job offers have been confirmed
Hi! We've already changed our status on the website. We are all confirmed (Bobylev, Lukinskaia, Chashchina)
Hello Ruslan, Since it is almost the end of season 2013 and beginning of a new season, here I'd like to express my thanks to you, Olexiy and other colleagues who have helped me during our first year cooperation. It is really very nice to work with you and thank you so much. During 2013 we have sent 6 students to Hardin, MT. Even though something unhappy happened at the very beginning, everything goes well and students were satisified at last with Olexiy' kind help. Now students have came back to China and they all want me to express their thanks to all of you. With all these good little things during the first year, I am sincerely looking forward to more chances for the coming year.
Hello! Mr Ruslan! I'm really appreciate it! I got my Job ofer today in the morning!!! MANY THANKS!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Olexiy! So sorry I didn't let you know that we arrived safely. Everything went just right, she met us at the airport when we got here in US. She is a really nice lady, and all the staff who work with us is great! We are on our second week for work, we're still learning how to make sales and everything, but we are having a great time here. Thanks for everything, man. I really appreciate that.
Dear Ruslan! I'd like to thank u so much for everything. I'm really very lucky. The job is really nice, i like the atmosphere and people here. The house where i'm living is very beautiful. I'm in Loveland, CO. It's a very nice place. I've been here for a week but i feel like at home. Our boss is really very friendly. He picked me up from the airport and then he invited me for dinner. Every morning they pick us up to work and after work to home. Thank u very much for everything!
Sinserely, Marcia
Hello I'd like to thank you for helping us to have job offers. I am really grateful you. Thanks, again.
Kate after getting job, i didn't reply you, exam and all. Yes, sponsor approved my job offer. But still i don't get visa date, whenever i get i will definitely tell you, now we are friends. And once again thank you very very much for giving me that job, i know you are the only person who could do that and you done it, bye have a great day.
Hello! Yes, I arrived to the employer. I'm here since December 16. The housing is good. I started the training of the job yesterday. Thanks
Yeah, everything's OK!) No problem!)) Thank you
America is a greate country!
Hello! I know it's been long since you sent this message, but I simply forgot all about it. I' very sorry! Anyway, my summer was the best summer ever, I had the time of my life! Ed is the greatest person ever and I don't think I'll meet someone like him anymore, he's too unique! Thank you for everything, especially for this e-mail which shows that you care! THANK YOU once again!!! If you want to know something, just ask me, I'll be more than glad to tell you :) Your's sincerely!
Hello, Ruslan! I am fine. I am with all other guys in Akron already. It s all right.
Best regards, Dmitry
Hay! Just wanted to let you know we're fine and are having a great time. We arrived safely! Ed is the best!!!
My regards, Ines
I have arrived to Saratoga and was welcomed very nicely. A start working since the 17th I belive. The plane from Chicago was cancelled and we students had to wait for about a day or so. So I'm fine and like the place very much.
Yeah, today I began working. Everything is OK! Thanks!
Best wishes, Max
I'm fine. Started to work yesterday.
hi! we are in cleveland now) karen met us. she is very nice. today we start our work. thanks a lot bye.

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