Описание вакансии


Job Id:

Mobile Fast Food


Ohio, OH

Job title:
food service, mobile concession operators




Start date:

End date:
Sept 30


Staff needed:
0 / male and female (Vacancy is closed)

Housing description:
Your living accommodations will be one of several mobile campers that travel to each location with us. You and your fellow workers are responsible for their cleanliness and hooking water and electric. If anything is damaged, you pay for damages. Bedding and personal items are not provided. You and fellow workers are responsible for keeping things cleaned Mobile campers, we have 3 different units, 2 have 4 bunks in back, sleeping area in front for 2 students. Separate bath area and kitchen area. 3rd unit has 5 separate room for 2 students each and separate shower room. Housing is shared and space is limited. Some refrigeration and cooking facilities available. Internet is probably at least once a week but not guaranteed.

Additional info:
Pay is 50$ per full day for anything over 5 hours. Anything less then 5 hours is 25$. Some days are longer, some shorter. Pay day is once a week on the following Wednesday. During the busiest part of the year, mid July thru the end of August, you may need to work 7 days a week. Students need to be flexible and want to speak English. We are a small operation and offer at least 20 days of work per month with as much as 30 days also available. So students know how much they can earn a month. We are starting our fair season now so days can be long 10am thru 11 pm with 45 lunch break, half hour dinner break and when possible we are giving a few extra hours off. Your duties could include food preparation, light cooking, counter service, janitorial duties. Placement of equipment upon arrival at a new location and preparing same for removal at the end of each event.

Dress code:
We provide shirts workers must maintain and pair with clean and reasonable pants or shorts. Health department requires some type of hair restraint.

Registered with us:
08.11.2009 (>15 years)




Cell phone:

US phone:
+1908 5744047

Statistics Current Hired 2012
Number 0 1 1
% female/male 0/0 100/0 100/0
Countries Turkey Turkey
Sponsors CICD CICD

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