Описание вакансии


Job Id:


Kodiak Island

Alaska, AK

Job title:
maintenance, as needed, fisherman, handymen, laborers




Start date:
May 20

End date:
Sept 20


Staff needed:
0 / male (Vacancy is closed)

Housing description:
We all live together in a cabin in a remote village on Kodiak Island. You will be required to share a room with 2 other individuals. You will be traveling to one of the most beautiful places in Alaska, and we only anticipate you to be in your room for sleep. We have 2 large properties, so there will be time for you to get away from the people you work with. We all share a living area and kitchen and share in the duties of keeping the house clean and cooking. When we are at the home, we are often working on projects, but the real work takes place on the ocean, which is a quarter mile drive to the harbor.

Additional info:
WE ARE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE IN THE EARLY 20'S THAT IS GOOD WITH THEIR HANDS, AND POSSIBLY HAS SOME MECHANICAL OR CONSTRUCTION SKILLS. We are looking for hard workers that can handle physical work (WE WONT HIRE ANYONE WEIGHING LESS THAN 165 POUNDS = 75.84 KILOGRAMS), is good with their hands and has some athletic ability. Because this is fishing, there are not set schedules, but in general we have a pretty relaxed schedule for most the summer, except for setting up camp, for a week in May, 3 busy weeks in August and a busy week in September when we are closing up. During the 3 weeks in August when we are working hard it is not uncommon to work 16 hour days for all three weeks. The forecast for this season states that we will only be working for 2 days on and 3 days off for most of the season; a perfect situation for someone looking for adventure. While we work hard, we also like to play, 4-wheeler rides, skiff rides, bonfires, beach parties, fishing trips, and many hikes, wake boarding and many other adventures. Since you will not be spending any of your own money, you will leave with a check for everything you've made during the summer. We are located about a half mile walk from a processing plant that has young adults from many nationalities (American, Dominican, Polish, Russian, Latin, European), so it is very easy to make new friends, especially because they look up to you for having a much better job then them.

Dress code:
You will be required to ware rain gear, float coat, fleece pants and fleece sweatshirts while you are in the skiff.

Registered with us:
22.03.2010 (>14 years)




Cell phone:

US phone:

Statistics Current Hired
Number 0 0
% female/male 0/0 0/0

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