Описание вакансии


Job Id:

Cosmetics Sales

Virginia Beach

Virginia, VA

Job title:
cosmetics sales staff




Start date:

End date:


Staff needed:
0 / female (Vacancy is closed)

Housing description:
Type of Housing: apartments, 2 to 4 students per apartment. Estimated weekly housing cost: 105$ (includes utilities). Housing distance to work: 30 minutes at most. Transportation to work: a car, students will be provided with a vehicle. Cooking facilities available in the housing: housing is walking distance to supermarket. Linens/towels NOT provided. Other housing features that are offered: microwave, telephone, television, Internet access, laundry access, exercise facilities, kitchen supplies.

Additional info:
Jobs in retail kiosks inside shopping malls. We work in major shopping centers selling high quality cosmetics in which our customers expect knowledgeable and presentable staff. Normal trading hours are between 10 am to 9 pm, Sunday 12:00am to 18:00 pm. One day off a week (not Sunday). In the beginning and ending of each day you are responsible to count all stock on kiosk and ensure kiosk is clean and presentable for the next day. Every day general dusting and cleaning duties are expected to keep the up keep and appearance of the kiosk. You are responsible to fill in each day the "closing page" to report any items needed for the kiosk. Special Skills required for these positions: strong English skills, outgoing, assertive personality. Must like to interact with customers and have the ability to be persuasive in a selling situation. Wage: $7.00Hour, if more than 40 hours than overtime $10.5 or Commission (The higher of the two). Commission structure: 0$-399$/Day - 20% 400$-799$/Day - 25% (on everything from 0 and up) 800$-and up/Day - 30% (on everything from 400 and up) In case of not meeting the minimum wage by commission in one week – the different will be paid by the company. The minimum wage and commissions will be calculated and compared once every week and will be paid every 2 weeks (the higher of the two). Hours per Week: 48-70. When students arrive they will receive 70 hours of training. Students will be trained during this time period. Training usually lasts 2 weeks. At the end of training your sales performance will be evaluated. Overtime is available. Second jobs are NOT available, with many hours available at primary job.

Dress code:
Clean and presentable. You are expected to be well presented, shaven, clean clothes, clean personal body including hair as well as nails, no excessive jewelry, nice shoes - close toed shoes only, no thongs and sandals allowed and no jeans. Bring closed toe shoes with you!

Registered with us:
16.03.2009 (>15 years)




Cell phone:

US phone:
+1908 5744047

Statistics Current Hired 2011
Number 0 7 7
% female/male 0/0 100/0 100/0
Countries Mongolia Russia Tajikistan Mongolia Russia Tajikistan

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