Описание вакансии


Job Id:



Tennessee, TN

Job title:
kitchen/dish, housekeeping, as needed




Start date:

End date:


Staff needed:
0 / female (Vacancy is closed)

Housing description:
We have an extended stay hotel across the street, that sleeps two per room. They have kitchens and access to an induction burner and outdoor grills. Accommodations are within walking distance to the hotel as well as shops and restaurants.

Additional info:
We would prefer those that speak English or Spanish. We do not mind hiring groups of friends or couples.

Dress code:
All Associates are required to dress professionally and appropriately during regular business hours or when representing the Company. Appropriate grooming and professional attire inspire guest confidence and create a comfortable and productive environment for everyone. The Company expects each Associate to arrive to work in a conservative and professional style and to remember that the Associate is representing the Company at all times. When issued uniforms are required, the uniform must be maintained, free of wrinkles and stains, frays, tears, or any form of disrepair is unacceptable. Associates are required to regularly clean uniforms per the recommended cleaning method. Associates may not alter, embellish, omit or substitute any article of the required uniform including name badge when required. To assist in the general guidelines, Vision has established the following standards:  All Associates are required to practice daily hygiene, bathing and taking full advantage of deodorant, oral hygiene products. When heavy perspiration is a concern, Associates are required to wear appropriate under garments to mitigate the appearance of soiled garments. The use of breath mints is encouraged, however; chewing gum is prohibited.  The length of dresses and skirts should not be shorter than two (2) inches above the knee. Slits which are common to skirts and dresses must be modest.  Tanks and similar tops which provide minimal coverage to the shoulder and/or cut more than one finger width below the armpit are not to be worn unless accompanied with a buttoned jacket or cardigan which must be worn at all times.  Jeans, khakis, leggings and spandex pants are prohibited unless required for a specific uniform.  Pants must be worn at or above the hip and fit appropriately according to standard business attire. Baggy or tight-fitting pants are not acceptable.  Where required, name badges must be worn and are considered part of the Associates’ uniform.  Certain pledge cards, service standards cards and Vision Values cards may be required to meet brand and Company standards.  Hair color must be a natural color. Hair color may be different from the individual’s natural hair color as long as the color is a natural color.  Hair must be clean and neat and conservatively styled. Jewels and adornments must be understated and properly coordinate with required uniforms. Hair should be pulled back from the face and eyes. Artistic carvings, spiked hair, Mohawks, faux-hawks, dread locks, certain braiding and other extreme hair styles are not acceptable.  Hair length for gentlemen may not exceed beyond the top of the shirt collar. The use of hair restraints may not be used to achieve the length of hair requirement. 2013 Edition 21  Associates working in food and beverage environments must keep hair pulled back and secured. Hair nets, hats, and/or chefs hats must be worn as required by food safety and health policies.  Non-skid, closed-toe, closed-heel shoes are required in food and beverage departments as well as housekeeping. Shoes with protective toes may be required in some departments such as maintenance. Questions regarding proper shoe wear should be directed to your immediate supervisor. Athletic shoes are not acceptable.  Where protective shoes are not required, females must wear closed-toe and closed-heel shoes which are appropriate for business attire. Athletic shoes are not acceptable. Gentlemen are expected to wear dark dress shoes which are appropriate for business attire. Black dress shoes may be required. Gentlemen should refrain from multi-colored shoes (sole should blend or be the same color as upper area).  Gentlemen must be clean shaven. When beards and mustaches are approved, they must be neatly trimmed close to the face. Beards and mustaches which extend beyond the corner of the lip or beyond the chin are unacceptable. Sideburns must be no longer than ½ inch in length and trimmed closely to the face so that hair does not extend away from the face.  Females are encouraged to wear moderate cosmetics daily. Cosmetics should enhance but not alter the appearance in an extreme manner.  Females may wear no more than two (2) earrings per ear. Earrings may not extend beyond ½ inch from piercing. Large hoops and earrings which extend beyond ½ inch from the piercing create safety concerns and are prohibited.  Tattoos may not be visible. Additions to the required uniform may not be used to conceal tattoos.  Nose, tongue, eyebrow, lip, cheek, gauges, and/or other visible body piercings are prohibited.  Males may not wear piercings of any kind.  Above all, as Associates in the hospitality industry, a smile and approachable demeanor are required and considered one of the most critical components of the Professional Appearance standards. Vision Hospitality Group is confident that Associates will use their best judgment regarding attire and appearance. Management reserves the right to determine appropriateness. Any Associate who is improperly dressed will be counseled or in severe cases may be sent home to change clothes. Continued disregard of this policy may be cause for disciplinary action, which may result in termination.

Registered with us:
24.10.2016 (>7 years)



Cell phone:

Statistics Current Hired
Number 0 0
% female/male 0/0 0/0

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