Описание вакансии


Job Id:

Camping Resort & Sea Tours


Alaska, AK

Job title:
kayak guides



Start date:
May 1 - May 15

End date:
Aug 31 - Sept 8


Staff needed:
0 / male and female (Vacancy is closed)

Housing description:
$100 a month for the tent camping, or $200 a month for the bunkhouse rooms.

Additional info:
Salary: $9-11/hour depends on position and tips


  1. Outstanding English - no exceptions, will be intervewed 2 times by Jobofer.ru and the employer.
  2. I want a Visa approved by Mid-March and I want to see a plane ticket confirmation by then.
  3. May 1 - June 10 arrival - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you cannot arrive within these dates, please do not apply!
  4. Video is required (please attach to your CV)!
  5. Please read the following before you apply:
"We have many positions for males and females. Our company meets all requirements of Dep of State. We work with the program for many years and we enjoy this experience very much. Our exchange students are very hard-working, friendly and energetic. We are looking for such people, open-minded and ready to broaden their horizons. This is not a regulary job. Our workers get many benefits like free fishing, kayaking, sighseeing and tours (some are priced up to $500 for the regular customers). You will see the best perks of Alaska and this will be incredible summer for you if you choose this job. In fact we want the students to be able to obtain visa and tickets before March 15 (due to previous bad experience with people failing the visa interviews when we had no time to replace them) and we want outstanding English. If you are meeting all our requirements you will love this job. The males and the females can work at all our positions. But some of the jobs are physically harder and so we prefer physically strong girls. We love the students from all countries and races. We need students who can obtain visa easily."

Registered with us:
09.12.2013 (>11 years)



Statistics Current Hired
Number 0 0
% female/male 0/0 0/0

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